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About CACI

CACI has an enviable celebrity following, with famous faces from the world of show business, television, media and royalty. CACI treatments are now provided at over 6,000 of the world's most prestigious treatment clinics and salons.





CACI Treatments & You

CACI treatments will work on:
  • wrinkles and laughter lines
  • firm up under eye bags

  • tighten the muscles that make up the face

  • plump up the lips

  • reduce acne scarring

  • even out skin pigmentation

  • leaves you feeling alive and with a vibrant glow

  • stimulate collagen and elastin

  • exercises your facial muscles

  • improves lymphatic drainage resulting in complexion improvements

  • will allow deeper penetration of vitamins, minerals and nourishing ingredients into the dermal layers of your skin


The CACI Ultra system will stimulate the circulation of energy to the facial tissues and muscles. This increases the rate that the skin produces proteins such as collagen and elastin and the rate at which muscle tissue can be re-constructed. The CACI treatments deal with both the skin and the supporting muscle tissue beneath it, restoring form and vitality to tissues that have gone soft due to lack of use and circulation.

Wanting the safest and most effective Total Skin Rejuvenation Solution available today?

The award winning CACI Non-Surgical Face Lift treatment is the answer, providing you with effective and measurable results that begin after your first session. The CACI system will provide you with a painless natural alternative to anti-ageing and skin rejuvenation with no down time.


The CACI system is all about re-educating your facial muscles, to firm, lift and tone. The face has over 30 diifferent muscles that lie directly below and are connected to the skin's surface. Proper firmness is re-established through the non-surgical procedure by correcting sagging muscle, which in turn corrects the sag of the skin. The CACI Ultra machine will stimulate blood circulation, which helps improve muscle tone and counteracts dryness. The CACI Ultra will allow your therapist to penetrate active ingredients deep into the dermis through a method called Sonophoresis (sound waves). The CACI Ultra will plump fine and deep lines with the wrinkle comb. The wrinkle comb uses a combination of high frequency and LED - a fantastic anti-ageing combination and of course the CACI Ultra will provide you with the safest non-surgical facelift available today.


The long term effects of life's stresses eventually show somewhere on the body and the face is one of the first places causing degeneration and sagging. The tell tale signs are: the skin begins to sag or head south, blotches and skin discolouration begin to appear, muscles lose their tone, cheeks and jowls start to sag, wrinkles and lines deepen. The muscles in the skin are like small elastic bands. As we grow older they lose their natural firmness and elasticity, allowing the facial skin to sag. This sagging becomes particularly noticable around the mouth and chin.

The CACI Ultra system was designed to retard the signs of ageing, keep the skin youthful and glowing and the facial muscles toned.


About CACI Ultra

The multifunctional CACI Ultra combines the facial toning functions of the award winning CACI Classic non surgical face lift system with the skin regenerating applications of the world acclaimed Futur-Tec system.


The CACI Ultra system incorporates 4 different technologies within one state of the art treatment device, Microcurrent, Ultrasonic Peel, Hydratone and LED Light Therapy photo stimulation.


The colour touch screen interface provides a selection menu of over 40 pre-set treatment programs for softening lines and wrinkles, facial toning, hand rejuvenation, stretch marks and improving acne blemishes.


The system utilises a special ultrasonic handset that vibrates at 27,000 vibrations per second on the skin surface to exfoliate and deep cleanse the epidermis. Ultra’s unique wrinkle comb applicator is used to effectively and painlessly plump out and soften deep lines and wrinkles thereby providing a needle free alternative to dermal fillers.

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